Dressler, R.L. 1999. A reconsideration of Stellilabium and Dipterostele. Harvard. Harvard Pap. Bot. 4(2): 469-473.
Abstract. There are four distinctive groups within Stellilabium, here treated as sections: Stellilabium and Dipterostele in the Andes, and Rhamphostele and Taeniorhachis in Central America. The features of these groups are discussed, but the relationships between them are yet unclear. The identity of Stellilabium minutiflorum is discussed, and four new species are described: S. aciculare Dressler, S. butcheri Dressler, and S. morii Dressler in Sect. Taeniorhachis, and S. fortunae in Sect. Rhamphostele.
Keywords: Andes, Central America, Dipterostele, Orchidaceae, Panama, Rhamphostele, Stellilabium, Taeniorhachis, taxonomy.
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